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FITNESS AUTHORITY Vitarade 50 g Saszetka

FITNESS AUTHORITY Vitarade 50 g Saszetka
  • FITNESS AUTHORITY Vitarade 50 g Saszetka
  • FITNESS AUTHORITY Vitarade 50 g Saszetka
  • FITNESS AUTHORITY Vitarade 50 g Saszetka
  • FITNESS AUTHORITY Vitarade 50 g Saszetka

FITNESS AUTHORITY Vitarade 50 g Saszetka

Producent: Kod produktu: ODZW000025
Produkt niedostępny
4.49 zł

(8.98 zł 100g)

Tax included

  • Darmowa wysyłka w Polsce od

    399.00 zł

  • Błyskawiczny odbiór

    W Warszawie

  • Możesz zwrócić towar do

    30 dni

Product description

The greatest advantage of high molecular mass carbohydrates contained in Vitarade® EL fueled by Vitargo®is their low osmolality in comparison to other forms of carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, sacharose or maltodextrin, commonly used in other carbohydrate supplements.
Osmolality is connected to the presence of osmotically active substances influencing fluid and nutrients transport from or to the tissue. Moreover, osmolality influences gastric emptying rate. The higher concentration of single molecules of osmotically active substances (electrolites, glucose, maltodextrins etc.), the higher osmolality. Solutions of high osmolality slow down fluid and nutrients digestion from intestines, and lower the gastric emptying rate as well. 
Vitarade® EL fueled by Vitargo® provides high molecular mass carbohydrates, so the number of molecules in solution is low, therefore solution osmolality is low .
Moreover, low osmolality of Vitarade® EL fueled by Vitargo®increases fluids transport from intestines to working tissues securing the proper hydration of the body.

Unique properties of high molecular mass carbohydrates contained in Vitarade® EL fueled by Vitargo® was proven in clinical trials in Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. It was shown that high molecular mass carbohydrates found in Vitarade® EL fueled by Vitargo® empty the stomach 80% faster1 and replenish muscle glycogen 70% faster2 compared to carbohydrate drinks based on maltodextrins and simple sugars.

During intensive physical activity muscular blood flow increases so more oxygen and nutrients can be delivered to working tissues. Blood is transferred to the muscles reducing gastrointestinal blood flow, which cause the decrease of intestine motility and food transport through the stomach increasing the gastrointestinal sensitivity to remaining food.

To optimize your workout or competition performance, you need stable supply of carbohydrates (main source of energy for working tissues) because muscle and liver glycogen stores are utilized even during moderate activity3,4,5.

Moreover, proper hydration of the body is a crucial factor for its performance during the workout or the competition. Even 2% loss of body weight caused by dehydration can lower performance up to 5 – 10%, while 4% loss of body weight lowers performance by 20 – 30% (!!!)6. Providing the adequate amount of fluids during the workout protects the body from dehydration and postpones the fatigue.

Application method

The contents of a sachet dissolved in 600 ml of water and consume during exercise every 45 minutes.


Serving 1 sachet  
The content of one portion    
  Protein <5g
  Carbohydrates 46g
  -including starch (Vitargo) 45g
  -of which sugars 0g
  Fat 0g
  Fiber  0g
  Sodium 0g

Ingredients: barley starch (Vitargo), Citric acid - acidity regulator, natural flavor, acesulfame K, aspartame sweeteners -. Contains a source of phenylalanine. Contains allergens: wheat, gluten.


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