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PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams

PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams
  • PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams
  • PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams
  • PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams
  • PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams
  • PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams
  • PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams

PERFORMANCE Pure Whey 2000 grams

Producent: Kod produktu: ODZB000419
Produkt niedostępny
208.99 zł

(10.45 zł 100g)

Tax included

  • Darmowa wysyłka w Polsce od

    399.00 zł

  • Błyskawiczny odbiór

    W Warszawie

  • Możesz zwrócić towar do

    30 dni

Product description

our body deserves only the best and each time you exercise you give and demand the best from yourself! Pure Whey delivers the complex amino acids, which our body needs to function. Essential amino acids cannot be produced by our body itself, so therefore we have to turn to our nutrition or supplementation.
It provides the body with proteins with a good amino acid profile and this in a very efficient way.

Pure Whey also delivers high-quality peptides and important minerals like calcium and magnesium. Pure Whey contains a very high dose Glutamine and bcaa ’s, the most important amino acids for muscle construction and muscle recovery. It’s well known that a shortage of proteins can lead to a loss of muscle tissue and a delayed recovery. When you drink a Pure Whey shake after exercising, it provides you with a faster and better recovery, preservation and further muscle mass building!

Pure Whey is the perfect partner in a protein diet or a lowcarb diet. There are 23g of proteins in 1 shake, with low carbohydrates and low fats. The shake is very easy to mix (with milk and with water) and does not create a bloated feeling after drinking.

Application method

Mix, 2 to 4 times daily, 30g of powder (1 scoop) with 300ml skimmed milk or water. 


Each 100 grams of Performance Pure Whey contains
22.900 mg 18.100 mg of BCAA's and L-glutamine, and the large amount of arginine and lysine (amino acids are known to stimulate the release of natural course of growth hormone in the human body).



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