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NOW Foods L-Arginine 500 mg - 250 capsules

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NOW Foods L-Arginine 500 mg - 250 capsules

NOW Foods L-Arginine 500 mg - 250 capsules

Producent: Kod produktu: Vat000503
w magazynie
84.99 zł

(67.99 zł 100g)

Tax included

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Product description

L- Arginine is an essential amino acid involved in the metabolism of urea in the excretion and DNA synthesis . L - Arginine is an amino acid glycemic , can be transformed into D -glucose and glycogen when the body needs them , or may be catabolized to produce biological energy .
This results in increased secretion of growth hormone and its hence increase muscle mass.
It stimulates the secretion of insulin , the liver regeneration , reduces body fat . Used in the rehabilitation of post-traumatic increases immunity , is involved in the formation of collagen , improves skin condition.
The amino acid L- arginine improves sexual function and is involved in the metabolism of fats stored in the body .
The amino acid L- arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide is considered to be a neurotransmitter in the physiological processes leading to an erection. L- arginine exacerbating the physiological processes of conditioning erections , increase sexual performance of men .
L - Arginine also plays many important roles in the body , such as the synthesis of protein through the formation of urea and ammonia formed during the detoxification of nitric acid catabolism . Furthermore, this amino acid is a substance formed in the first stage of the reaction of nitric oxide formation , creatine , polyamides , L- glutamine , L -proline , agmatine ( neurotransmitter in the brain), and arginine -containing tetrapeptide tufsyny which immune modulator .

Application method

2 capsule 1 - 3 times daily between meals or at bedtime.


Content 2 capsules







Opinie / NOW Foods L-Arginine 500 mg - 250 capsules


Świetny suplement ,biorę zawsze około treningowo i przed snem ,poprawia przepływ krwi co sprawia że mamy lepszą pompę na treningu i nie tylko ;)))

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