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UlTIMATE Mucle Juice Revolution 6000 g

UlTIMATE Mucle Juice Revolution 6000 g

UlTIMATE Mucle Juice Revolution 6000 g

Producent: Kod produktu: ODŻ000200
Produkt niedostępny
168.99 zł

(2.82 zł 100g)

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Product contains 170 grams of time-release carbohydrates to extend digestion time and minimize bloating. In addition to the glutamine  precursors in this formula, each 1000 mg serving of glutamine includes L-alanyl-L-glutamine. This powerful dipeptide may protect against muscle degradation and provide fuel for exercise to help you go the distance. Take 2 servings a day with milk and you will receive 2600 more calories and 148 more grams of protein to help you exceed your weight-gaining goals.

A protein blend, consisting of multiple protein sources, is superior to any single-protein source for sustained time-release nutritional support. Whey proteins, such as hydrolysate, isolate and concentrate, give your body a surge of amino acids immediately after you consume them. These proteins are great for lean muscle growth. This is when the mid-release proteins take over. Egg protein is considered the perfect source of protein because it is complete in essential amino acids, branch chain amino acids, and glutamic acid. It is completely and easily absorbed by the body. Proteins such as micellar casein, calcium caseinate, and milk protein concentrate take much longer to digest. They are considered to be extended-release proteins, which give the body more time to fully digest and absorb their nutrients.

This new formula also includes an exciting new addition to the carbohydrate world: Karbo-lyn. This product was invented for the sole purpose of carbohydrate loading. It was designed for elite athletes looking for a fast, easy, and high performance way to load the muscle with accessible muscle glycogen. This high-tech carbohydrate passes through the stomach very quickly; 80% faster than dextrose or sugar. It acts like a pump, pulling water and nutrients along with it.

Glutamine is the ultimate anti-catabolic. It prevents “muscle wasting,” and lessens the degree of muscle damage and soreness. It helps the body to secrete its own growth hormone, which triggers the release of IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor 1). This helps increase lean body mass. Glutamine also neutralizes lactic acid burn in your muscles by releasing plasma bicarbonate, allowing you to work out longer and stronger. It also increases nitrogen to help you stay in a positive balance for optimum muscle growth.

Mix four scoops of Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice Revolution 2600 (about 265 grams) with 18 fl oz (532 ml) of water or milk. To maximize muscle gains and enhance your exercise program, take one serving in the morning, and a second serving one hour after your training session. On non-training days, take one serving between meals in the morning and a second serving between meals in the afternoon. Due to the time release nature of Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice Revolution 2600, it is the perfect gainer to be taken right before bed.


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