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NOW FOODS Silymarin 450mg 120gels

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NOW FOODS Silymarin 450mg 120gels

NOW FOODS Silymarin 450mg 120gels

Producent: Kod produktu: ZDR001277
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134.99 zł
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  • Supports the functioning of the liver
  • Supports digestion
  • It has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa
  • It has an antioxidant effect
  • Supports blood glucose control
  • It lowers the level of triglycerides

NOW FOODS Silymarin is a dietary supplement containing milk thistle extract in a high dose. It is a valuable source of silymarin.

Supports the functioning of the liver

The liver is an organ which, inter alia, filters the blood, which makes it exposed to the activity of harmful compounds. Silymarin is a biologically active compound of Milk Thistle. It has an antioxidant effect, fights free radicals, and intensifies the synthesis of glutathione, one of the strongest antioxidants in the body, which cleanses the body of harmful substances. Silymarin has a positive effect on the renewal process of liver cells (hepatocytes). It also protects against the penetration of harmful substances by sealing the membranes of hepatocytes, and also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Supports digestion

Milk thistle has a protective effect on the gastric mucosa, and also supports digestion by stimulating the production of gastric juices and bile. Additionally, milk thistle reduces blood triglycerides.

Supports blood glucose control

Silymarin increases the growth of pancreatic beta cells and increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, which improves blood glucose control.

NOW FOODS Silymarin is recommended as a support for the functioning of the liver and digestive system.

Active ingredients per portion (2 capsules)
Thistle Milk (Silybum marianum) Extract 450 mg

Ingredients: silymarin, capsule, rice flour, magnesium salts of vegetable acids.

Take a portion (2 capsules) once a day.

8/20/20, 2:21 PM

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6/12/20, 6:41 PM

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Opinie / NOW FOODS Silymarin 450mg 120gels


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