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NOW FOODS EVE 90 softgels

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NOW FOODS EVE 90 softgels

NOW FOODS EVE 90 softgels

Producent: Kod produktu: WIT000095
w magazynie
104.99 zł

(63.63 zł 100g)

Tax included

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A complex of vitamins and minerals
It improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails
It affects the overall vitality of the body
It has a positive effect on your well-being
It delays the aging processes
Supports immunity
Vegetarian formula
Enriched with vegetable and fruit extracts

Now Foods EVE is a high-quality dietary supplement containing a comprehensive vitamin and mineral composition that supports the proper functioning of the female body.

A complex of vitamins and minerals

The product is a rich source of easily digestible vitamins and minerals that play a very important role in the proper functioning of the body. Each of them has its own tasks in the processes taking place in the body. It is very important to provide the right amount of these vitamins and minerals to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

It improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails

EVE contains, among others, zinc and biotin, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Zinc is involved in the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for maintaining healthy skin, as they regulate the secretory activities of this largest organ. Deficiency of this trace element weakens the skin's immune system, contributing to the appearance of dermatoses (skin diseases). This element also affects the growth of hair and nails.

It affects the overall vitality of the body

The product contains a high dose of magnesium, which reduces fatigue and weariness. It supports the functioning of the nervous system and muscles. Magnesium inhibits the excessive excitability of nerve cells, which translates into alleviating the effects of stress. EVE is also a source of ingredients needed for the production of red blood cells, including iron, vitamins B9 and B12.

Now Foods EVE supports the vitality of the body by supplementing nutritional deficiencies.

Serving  3 tablets

Servings Per Container 40

Packing 120 tablets 

Content [1 tablet]

Calcium 500mg

Iron 18mg

Iodine    225mcg 

Magnesium    250mg 

Zinc    20mg 

Selenium    100mcg 

Copper    1mg 

Manganese    10mg 

Chrome    100mcg 

Molybdenum    50mcg 

Potassium    25mg 

Spirulina Algae    250mg 

Ginseng Dong Quai   100mg 

Eleuthero    100mg 

betaine Anhydrous    100mg 

Plant enzymes    100mg 

Yam    50mg 

Kit Pszczeli    50mg 

silica    50mg 

Soy Isoflavones    30mg 

Choline    25mg 

Inositol 25mg  

PABA    25mg 

Ipriflavone    25mg 

Boron    1mg  

Immaculate    50mg

Beta Carotene    10,000IU 

Vitamin C    300mg 

Vitamin D    400IU 

Vitamin E    200IU  

Vitamin K    80mcg 

Thiamine    25mg 

Riboflavin    25mg 

Niacin    50mg 

Vitamin B6    50mg 

Folic Acid    800mcg 

Vitamin B12    200mcg 

Biotin    300mcg 

Pantothenic acid    50mg 


3 tablets daily with a meal.

10/4/22, 6:46 PM

Pełen kompleks witamin i minerałów, tego szukałam :)

12/15/20, 1:48 PM

Moje ulubione witaminy. Now Foods zrobił specjalnie dla nas kobitki witaminki. Polecił mi Pan ze strefy mocy. Już po kilku dniach poczułam różnice.

8/25/20, 4:41 PM

Jedyne witaminy jakie biorę, idealnie dobrany skład witamin i minerałów wzbogacony o ekstrakty roślinne. Uważam że to najlepsza formuła z tych dostępnych na rynku

12/17/19, 3:00 PM

Bardzo dobry kompleks dla kobiet, dobrze się po nich czuję.

11/26/19, 12:39 PM

Najlepszy mix witamin skierowany dla kobiet. Zauważalna poprawa stanu skóry, paznokci i włosów. Szczerze polecam niezależnie od wieku.

Opinie / NOW FOODS EVE 90 softgels


Pełen kompleks witamin i minerałów, tego szukałam :)

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