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JARROW Milk Thistle 150mg 100 vcaps.

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JARROW Milk Thistle 150mg 100 vcaps.

JARROW Milk Thistle 150mg 100 vcaps.

Producent: Kod produktu: ZDR001205
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69.99 zł
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  • Supports the work of the liver
  • It improves the quality of the skin
  • Highly concentrated
  • Supports the detoxification of the body

JARROW Milk Thistle 150mg are supplements containing highly standardized milk thistle. It contains as much as 80% of flavonoids, which makes it a high-quality supplement. This preparation shows pro-health properties, especially supports the work of the liver and helps detoxify the body.

Milk thistle

It is a plant compound that is known for its versatile health-promoting properties. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the antioxidation of the body, has anti-inflammatory properties, and stabilizes the structure of cell membranes. The main ingredient in milk thistle is silybin. It has an anti-hepatotoxic effect to many chemical compounds that may adversely affect the functioning of the liver.

Liver support

Milk thistle especially supports the work of the liver. This is because it increases protein synthesis in hepatocytes, which improves its regeneration.

Helpful in the fight against acne

Acne can occur because of inflammation caused by damage to the lipids in the skin. Antioxidants, including milk thistle, may have a positive effect on the condition of lipids. They fight free radicals, which are responsible, among others, for the formation of this damage.

Improving the level of cholesterol and glycemia

Milk thistle has properties that have a positive effect on the insulin sensitivity of cells. It does so by regulating blood glucose levels. This substance has a positive effect on cholesterol, which is also extremely important for the overall health of the human body. The optimal level of lipids especially affects the health of the circulatory system, heart and the well-being itself.

JARROW Milk Thistle 150mg is a high-quality supplement that provides a high-dose milk thistle extract. It has a comprehensive pro-health effect on the human body. It improves the work and regeneration of the liver, but also has a positive effect on cholesterol levels and the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.

Active ingredients per portion (1 capsule)
Milk thistle seed extract (Sylibum marianum L.) (80% silymarin) 150 mg

Ingredients: Milk thistle seed extract (Sylibum marianum L.) (80% silymarin), capsule, magnesium salts of fatty acids.

1 capsule a day

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Opinie / JARROW Milk Thistle 150mg 100 vcaps.


Bardzo dobra jakość, wspomaga antyoksydacje oraz prace i kondycje wątroby.

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